Q4/SG15 Home Page


Title: Transceivers for subscriber access systems

Rapporteur: R Stuart


The need for high-speed digital access has been identified in many regional standards organizations. It has been proposed that the transceivers used to provide these services be internationally standardized. It has further been recognized that the tranceivers providing these access systems use technology which is an extension of the modern techniques in the Recommendations so far developed.

Items for study

DCEs for subscriber access systems including modulation techniques, and procedures for:
  1. high-speed digital subscriber loops (HDSL/SHDSL);
  2. asymmetrical digital subscriber loops (ADSL); and
  3. very high-speed digital subscriber loops (VDSL).

Q4/15 Recommendations

Rec. No. Title or Proposed Title Determine date Res. 1 date Editor
High bit Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) Transceivers 02/1998 10/1998 S Schmoll
G.shdsl Single pair High bit Digital Subscriber Line (SHDSL) Transceivers 04/2000 - S Blackwell
Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers 10/1998 06/1999 S Palm
G.dmt.bis Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers 2001 - F. Van der Putten
Splitterless Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers 10/1998 06/1999 C Hansen
G.lite.bis Splitterless Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Transceivers 2001 - T. Cole
(G.993 series)
Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) Transceivers 2000 - S Palm
Handshake procedures for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Transceivers 10/1998 06/1999 L Brown
Overview of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Recommendations 10/1998 06/1999 S Abbas
Test procedures for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Transceivers 10/1998 06/1999 M Tzannes
Physical layer management for Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Transceivers 10/1998 06/1999 A Johansson

Standardization Area: AN (SG15 has proposed a new Standardization Area 'Access Networks' to TSAG and requested that an appropriate code be issued
Standardization Domain: 30

Schedule of Meetings and links to Meeting Documents

DateLoc.TypeURLMeeting Report
99 Nov 01-05Nashville, USATD99-11-Nashville
99 Aug 02-06Nuremberg, GermanyTD99-08-Nuremberg
99 Jun 21 - Jul 02GenevaInput Docs99-06-Geneva
99 May 10-14Boston, Mass., USATD99-05-Boston

EDH Methods and Document Templates

Instructions for Document submission depend on the type of upcoming meeting (either Study Group or interim Rapporteur).